just a little introduction to my new equipment
I got new gouges because my old ones were becoming too imprecise for the work I wanted to do.
So I chose as new gouges, the Pfeil brand.
They are very precise gouges, with a wooden handle, and being made in Switzerland.
They allow a magnificent work of precision.
Here is the link for you to get them; https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwirtY-p8f7nAhVHpZoKHUW1AT4YABAOGgJsbQ&sig=AOD64_31VhR2AAHstAnwVMXgKuosxJF_Hw&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwim-IOp8f7nAhXLx4UKHcqjB4gQwzwIJA&adurl=