To see the different steps of a beautifuuuul lino
( of my Logo )
The first step is to think, have an idea and then draw it. Improvements to make it more similar to your idea or evolve your original idea.
To be honest, we often make changes, because the idea we have at the beginning changes over time.
Step two is to draw your final idea on your piece of linoleum.
To change the meaning of certain elements, such as the scriptures if you want it to be in the right direction when you print it (I often forget this step and realize that I forgot this step in the final impression).
Then I only engrave the contours of my drawings.
For this step I use the finest gouge to be as precise as possible.
Then I continue to engrave the parts or I want it to remain white. With a larger gouge to make it go faster.
This step is the printing step, when you get a first result.
This step may be considered the last, but I personally think it is the first and last. After that you must choose the color, the printing medium, and the amount of ink that creates the appropriate contrast.
And the final step is when you find the design that you like an think it´s THE good one.